
Assuming you have installed svfsc (instructions are here).


Building and running main() will exercise all the C++ tests (this can take a very long time for a debug version since there are then very thorough internal integrity checks being run):

$ cmake-build-release/cppSVF
Testing SVF and SVFS...
Testing SVF all...
Testing SVFS all...
Function                                                                   ----           Bytes              ms           ms/Mb            Mb/s Test
virtual TestResult SVFS::TestCaseWrite::run() const                        pass             101        0.014646         152.054             6.6 Special (A)
virtual TestResult SVFS::TestCaseWrite::run() const                        pass             113        0.001349          12.518            79.9 Special (B)
virtual TestResult SVFS::TestCaseWrite::run() const                        pass               0        0.000051           0.000             0.0 Write no blocks
virtual TestResult SVFS::TestCaseWrite::run() const                        pass               4        0.000234          61.342            16.3 Write single block

8<---- snip ---->8

TestCount SVFS::Test::_test_perf_write_sim_index_svfs(size_t, size_t, t_test_results &)pass           44000        7.146891         170.320             5.9 Sim SVFS: vr=1000 lr=10
TestCount SVFS::Test::_test_perf_write_sim_index_svfs(size_t, size_t, t_test_results &)pass          440000       27.612491          65.804            15.2 Sim SVFS: vr=10000 lr=10
TestCount SVFS::Test::_test_perf_write_sim_index_svfs(size_t, size_t, t_test_results &)pass         1048564       69.971528          69.972            14.3 Sim SVFS: vr=23831 lr=10
TestCount SVFS::Test::_test_perf_write_sim_index_svfs(size_t, size_t, t_test_results &)pass         4400000      322.433045          76.840            13.0 Sim SVFS: vr=100000 lr=10
int main()                                                                 pass               0    57168.005216           0.000             0.0 Hard coded test count to make sure some tests haven't been omitted. All tests
Test results [162] Pass: 162 Fail: 0 - PASSED
main() execution time: 57.168 (s)
Bye bye!

Process finished with exit code 0

This takes around a minute or so.


Running the Python tests:

$ pytest tests/
======================================================================================= test session starts ========================================================================================
platform darwin -- Python 3.10.8, pytest-7.3.1, pluggy-1.0.0
benchmark: 4.0.0 (defaults: timer=time.perf_counter disable_gc=False min_rounds=5 min_time=0.000005 max_time=1.0 calibration_precision=10 warmup=False warmup_iterations=100000)
rootdir: /Users/engun/CLionProjects/cppSVF
configfile: setup.cfg
plugins: benchmark-4.0.0
collected 212 items

tests/benchmark/test_benchmark_svf.py .sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss                                                                                                               [ 18%]
tests/benchmark/test_benchmark_svfs.py .ssssssssssssssssssss                                                                                                                                 [ 28%]
tests/unit/test_svf.py ........................................................................................................                                                              [ 77%]
tests/unit/test_svf_memory.py sssss                                                                                                                                                          [ 80%]
tests/unit/test_svfs.py ..........................................                                                                                                                           [100%]

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- benchmark: 2 tests ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Name (time in ns)          Min                    Max                Mean              StdDev              Median                IQR            Outliers  OPS (Mops/s)            Rounds  Iterations
test_svfs_ctor        426.0073 (1.0)      72,900.9917 (1.26)     495.6092 (1.0)      808.7077 (1.0)      455.9988 (1.0)      21.0130 (1.0)      159;3722        2.0177 (1.0)       58005           1
test_svf_ctor         657.0044 (1.54)     57,755.0090 (1.0)      771.3970 (1.56)     977.8003 (1.21)     722.0078 (1.58)     36.0014 (1.71)     245;2141        1.2963 (0.64)      75592           1

  Outliers: 1 Standard Deviation from Mean; 1.5 IQR (InterQuartile Range) from 1st Quartile and 3rd Quartile.
  OPS: Operations Per Second, computed as 1 / Mean
================================================================================= 148 passed, 64 skipped in 7.23s ==================================================================================

This takes around eight seconds.

To run the full test suite including memory tests and benchmarks:

$ pytest tests/ --runslow --benchmark-sort=name

This takes six minutes or so.

Building and Testing Everything

There is a shell script build_all.sh at the project root that:

  • Builds the C++ code from clean and runs all the C++ tests.

  • Creates a Python virtual environment for each Python version of interest.

  • For each Python version of interest builds the C/C++ Extension and runs the Python tests, including with --runslow.

  • Builds the documentation using docs/build_docs.sh that creates both Doxygen and Sphinx (HTML, PDF) documentation.

  • Runs stubgen_simple.py that loads the svfs package and produces a stubs file in stubs/svfsc.pyi.

  • Creates and checks the Python binary and source distributions.

It takes around ten minutes per Python version.